1040 Tax Preparation
When you file taxes online with us, you’ll always know your price and understand exactly what you’re paying for. Our professionals will get the job right the first time.
Business Tax Preparation
Do you find yourself scrambling to prepare whenever tax season rolls around? Small business owners have a lot of tax responsibilities, and when you add those to your regular business responsibilities, there’s a lot to keep track of.
Prior Year Tax Preparation
We can help you with compliance and also help you to deal with the IRS down the road, if necessary. Sometimes the IRS will take an educated guess about what your tax liability might be. The IRS will then send you a notice of proposed assessment, or even file a return on your behalf. You can reduce or eliminate the IRS’s proposed assessments by filing your back tax returns.
State Tax Preparation
State income tax is imposed at a fixed or graduated rate on taxable income of individuals, corporations, and certain estates and trusts. The rates vary by state. Taxable income conforms closely to federal taxable income in most states, with limited modifications.
Tax Amendments
The IRS generally allows you to file an amended tax return to correct your filing status, the number of dependents you claim, your gross income and to increase or decrease the number of deductions and credits you report on your original tax return.
Optimize your business with our comprehensive bookkeeping services. From meticulous record-keeping to precise financial reporting, we ensure accuracy and compliance. Streamline payroll processes, track expenses, and make informed decisions. Trust us to handle your financial data, so you can focus on growing your business with confidence.
The service includes end of year tax filing with a minimum of 6 months.
Discover seamless payroll solutions with Apley Capital. Our expert team ensures accurate processing, tax compliance, and secure data handling. From startups to enterprises, our scalable services prioritize efficiency and precision. Elevate your business with hassle-free payroll management tailored to your needs.